train all staff, regardless of their geographic spread


low direct costs; zero indirect costs (no travel, accommodation, etc.)


train whenever needed, without removing people from their job


attractive and relevant programs based on instructional videos

A continuously updated library

available in Romanian and English

  • Introduction in WSH
  • Slips, trips, falls
  • Work ergonomics
  • check
    Defensive driving
  • check
    Kinetotherapy exercises for office
  • check
    Emergency situations - earthquake
  • check
    Emergency situations - fire

Everything you need to deliver WSH/WES training in your company, instantly accessible from any device. Online training programs based on instructional videos, compliant with the normative in force.

A continuously updated library

available in Romanian and English

Everything you need to deliver WSH/WES training in your company, instantly accessible from any device. Online training programs based on instructional videos, compliant with the normative in force. 

  • Introduction in WSH
  • Slips, trips, falls
  • Work ergonomics
  • check
    Defensive driving
  • check
    Kinetotherapy exercises for office
  • check
    Emergency situations - earthquake
  • check
    Emergency situations - fire

Difficulties and solutions in WSH/WSE training

Why is there temptation in many situations to shorten WHS/WES training? Part of the answer to this question is that it presents a number of difficulties, often hard to overcome. Find out what are the difficulties and what kind of solutions we have reached in our work.

Programs structure

sequences selected from the "Preventing Driving" program

Each program is made up of one or more videos followed by tests that validate what learners have retained and understood.

sequences selected from the "Preventing Driving" program

Programs structure

Each program is made up of one or more videos followed by tests that validate what learners have retained and understood.

# Unlimited scalability

Whether you have 20 or 6,000 employees, in one location or spread throughout the country, you can train them all the same way whenever you need. The benefits of this scalability are multiple:

  • offers uniformity to training - employees have the same learning experience, anytime and anywhere
  • through mobile or tablet access, employees who do not have office work can easily be trained
  • new employees do not have to wait for completion of course classes to be trained
  • check
    makes it easier to train the various partners or collaborators of the company

# Cost effectiveness

Studies show that more than 50% of the budgets dedicated to the training activity are consumed by its logistical aspects: transportation, accommodation and meals, etc. Also, a visible tendency of recent years has been the drop in the time spent on training, mostly due to the increase in employees workload.

Our WSH/WSE online training system offers you the following benefits in terms of cost:

  • it is not necessary to move the participants, so the logistic costs are zero
  • it can take place at work, in short intervals of time that do not affect the work schedule
  • low and flexible direct costs - access for the entire company based on subscription or punctual access
  • check
    the possibility of retraining in the same subscription or at low cost for punctual access

# Impact and permanent control

Instructional videos are by far the most impact-intensive content for online learning and obviously the most appropriate means of communication for the new generations of employees. A specific advantage offered to WSH/WES training is that it makes it attractive, reducing the employees perception of aridity generally associated with this topic. 

Each program in our portfolio is accompanied by a test and related metric that you have at your disposal:

  • the rate of participation in courses and reports on the activities associated with each learner
  • employees rate of completion for every program, individual and team results
  • statistics on the length of time associated with learning and costs in the different contracting scenarios

Choose our online training programs
to support your employer brand image
and ensure the health and safety of your employees.
